Last updated: 28 March 2019
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A list of our main Economics topics covered below:
Our page dedicated to small, medium and micro enterprises operating in South Africa. We take a look at total income earned, employee expenses as percentage of total income earned and a whole host of other metrics related to SMME's
Our page dedicated to South Africa's mining industry. While it is a declining sector in terms of its economic importance in South Africa it still employs a lot of people
On this page we take a look at the South African governments revenue collection and spending plans. Basically intense focus on the budget of South Africa's goverment and its government departments
We take a look at South Africa's education statistics and assess the impact of it on students, South Africa's economy and the country as a whole.
Our Economic History PageThis page takes a look at South Africa's economic performance per president and finance minister since the dawn of democracy
Size of informal economyThis page contains research conducted by us on estimating the size of South Africa's informal economy
Economic Structure PageWe take a look at South Africa's economic structure and its changes since the dawn of democracy
TourismA look at the number of tourists visiting South Africa and where they are coming from
SA's manufacturingThis page takes a detailed look at South Africa's manufacturing industry
Rand Dollar Exchange RateThis page takes a look at South Africa's exchange rate against the US Dollar and on ad hoc basis against other currencies
Inflation Heat MapThis page shows an animated map of South Africa with each province's inflation rate over time
Monetary Fiscal Policy MixWe take a look at South Africa's Monetary and Fiscal Policy mix. How coordinated or uncoordinated are they?
Credit Market AnalysisA look at South Africa's credit market. From all sides, including consumer, business and government
Financial Well-being of SA companiesWe take a look at the financial health of South Africa's companies. Large, medium and small firms are all covered in this analysis
SA's GDP pageOur SA GDP page is our main page for looking at South Africa's economic growth rate in more detail
Labour Market DynamicsA look into South Africa's labour market dynamics
GDP AnimationsAn interactive look into South Africa's GDP over time
SA vs WorldComparing South Africa's economic indicators against the rest of the world Taylor' RuleUsing Taylor's rule we check whether South Africa's interest rate policy is
SA's unemployment pageWe take a detailed look at South Africa's unemployment. From unemployment per province to youth unemployment