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This page is provides users with a detailed look into South Africa's economic structure. (For animated graphic on South Africa's economic structure over time click here: Animation)
The information will go a long way into providing users with a better understanding of the relative importance of each province, the importance of each industry per province and the relative importance of each industry to South Africa's GDP (and how this has changed over time). The pie chart below gives details on not only each province's contribution to South Africa's GDP, but also supplies information on which industries are contributing most to each province's economy (click on a province to get more details on each industry's contribution to that province's economy). The industries are classified according to Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), which is based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). SIC is based on ISIC to ensure international comparability, but is derived for South Africa, to covers sectors or products not necessarily classified under ISIC. |
Pie chart based on end 2015 data from Statistics South Africa. The contributions per province is based on Constant 2010 prices for GDP at market prices per province.
The biggest contributor to Gauteng's economy is the Finance, Real estate and business services sector. This is not surprising consider Johannesburg is seen as the Financial Hub of not only South Africa, but Africa. Large number of finance companies and banks are all clustered together in the Sandton area. In addition to this Gauteng is the most densely populated province in South Africa, with the most number of people living in it per square kilometer, leading to a strong real estate sector. |
Large contribution from manufacturing in KZN. Also interesting to note that transport and communication sector is relatively large in KZN when compared to other provinces. This is largely due to Durban Harbour and Richard Bay coal terminal contributing to transportation and storage of goods for both Exports and Imports |
Western Cape:
The biggest contributor to Western Cape's economy is the Finance, Real estate and business services sector. Similar to Gauteng, a large number of financial services companies are based in Western Cape (Allan Gray, Coronation etc). Western Cape too, has a strong real estate component, but whereas Gauteng's is largely due to its density, Western Cape's real estate component is strong largely based on the location and demand for luxury properties in the Western Cape. |
Eastern Cape:
Goverment is the largest industry in the Eastern Cape, which is one of the poorest provinces in South Africa. It is possible that government grants and government jobs within the Eastern Cape is contributing to the strong showing from the government sector in Eastern Cape |
Mining and quarrying is the largest industry in Mpumalanga, with coal being the main commodity being mined in there. Interesting to note that the Electricity and Water sector is very large in Mpumalanga, especially when compared to the other provinces. This is due to the fact that a large number of ESKOM coal power plants are clustrered in Mpumalanga (close proximity to the coal mines). |
Mining and quarrying is the largest industry in Limpopo. While coal is the largest contributor to the sector for Mpumalanga, and platinum is the largest contributor to the sector in North West, its a combination of both coal and platinum mines that are contribution to the sector in Limpopo. |
North West:
Mining and quarrying contributes a third to the economy of North West. This is mainly because of the massive platinum deposits found in North West. The city of Rustenburg was one of the fastest growing cities in South Africa over the last 10 years, and this is largely due to the migration of people to North West to go and work on the platinum mines in the area. |
Free State:
Government is the largest industry in the Free State. As was the case in Eastern Cape. Agriculture is a relatively large sector in the Free State, especially when compared to the other provinces. Free State has large expanses of farming land. What would be interesting to see is how this sector has been affected by the recent droughts experienced in South Africa. Mining and quarrying in the province is mostly gold mines. |
Northern Cape:
Northern Cape has the largest agricultural sector (when compared to the other provinces). A large part of this is made up by sheep farming in the Karoo area, and fruit and grapes are cultivated in the region too. The recent droughts in South Africa, does not bode well for Northern Cape's agricultural industry. Northern Cape has a large mining and quarrying industry too. The main commodity being mined in the province being Diamonds.
Northern Cape has the largest agricultural sector (when compared to the other provinces). A large part of this is made up by sheep farming in the Karoo area, and fruit and grapes are cultivated in the region too. The recent droughts in South Africa, does not bode well for Northern Cape's agricultural industry. Northern Cape has a large mining and quarrying industry too. The main commodity being mined in the province being Diamonds.
Industry contributions over time:
Graph below shows the percentage contribution of each industry to South Africa's GDP (as at Q4:2015). If you click on an industry the column chart below will show the value of this industry (in Rand millions). The figures are adjusted for inflation to ensure the data shows underlying growth and not growth caused by price increases. In prices adjusted for inflation the South African economy is worth R2.73 trillion.
Note this figures represent total value added at basic prices (so this excludes the net effect from subsidies - taxes).
Note this figures represent total value added at basic prices (so this excludes the net effect from subsidies - taxes).
From the graphic above, on All Industries level its clear that South Africa's economy hasn't made a a lot of headway in terms of real growth (growth after adjusting for inflation), since 2009. Our recovery from the financial recessions set on by the US sub prime crisis has been extremely slow.
Finance, real estate and business services is the largest industry in South Africa, and it has been contributing more and more to South Africa's economy as the years has gone by.
Government is the second largest contributor to our economy, contributing 17% to our overall GDP. It is a large part of our GDP, but other developing and developed countries, have government contributions to GDP that is even larger than 17%.
Manufacturing, one of South Arica's largest industries, suffered a significant drop in its contribution to South Africa's GDP in 2009 and it has struggled to gain momentum ever since (this is in part due to lower demand for goods, and partly due to lack of stable power supply from ESKOM).
From the graphic above its pretty clear that the mining and quarrying industry suffered a near total collapse from 2008 onwards (largely thanks to the financial crisis that played out due to the sub prime lending crisis in the USA).
The electricity, gas and water industry has been adding less value to the South African economy over the last couple of years. Largely due to the power supply issues experienced by ESKOM.
Finance, real estate and business services is the largest industry in South Africa, and it has been contributing more and more to South Africa's economy as the years has gone by.
Government is the second largest contributor to our economy, contributing 17% to our overall GDP. It is a large part of our GDP, but other developing and developed countries, have government contributions to GDP that is even larger than 17%.
Manufacturing, one of South Arica's largest industries, suffered a significant drop in its contribution to South Africa's GDP in 2009 and it has struggled to gain momentum ever since (this is in part due to lower demand for goods, and partly due to lack of stable power supply from ESKOM).
From the graphic above its pretty clear that the mining and quarrying industry suffered a near total collapse from 2008 onwards (largely thanks to the financial crisis that played out due to the sub prime lending crisis in the USA).
The electricity, gas and water industry has been adding less value to the South African economy over the last couple of years. Largely due to the power supply issues experienced by ESKOM.