Mpumalanga's Economic Structure from 1994 to 2015:
Note data is based on 2010 constant prices (effects of inflation removed), and its GDP at basic prices (excluding taxes and subsidies) Let the animation run, or select a year, and pause and resume as you see fit. |
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The Losers:
The big loser in Mpumalangas's economy is the Mining and Quarrying sector. The sector made up roughly 32% of Mpumalanga's economy in 1995. That has dwindled down to around26% in 2014. Most of the other sectors were pretty stable with a few sectors showing decent growth over time.
On the winning side there is a couple, Finance, Real Estate and business services showed strong growth as was the case with South Africa as a whole (see South Africa GDP animation).
The Trade sector in Mpumalanga grew marginally, while the surprise is the increase in Manufacturing's relative importance in Mpumalanga when the trend has been the opposite for South Africa as a whole, which experienced a sharp decline in the overall importance of the manufacturing sector
- Mining and Quarrying
- Manufacturing
- Trade
- Finance, real estate and business services
The big loser in Mpumalangas's economy is the Mining and Quarrying sector. The sector made up roughly 32% of Mpumalanga's economy in 1995. That has dwindled down to around26% in 2014. Most of the other sectors were pretty stable with a few sectors showing decent growth over time.
On the winning side there is a couple, Finance, Real Estate and business services showed strong growth as was the case with South Africa as a whole (see South Africa GDP animation).
The Trade sector in Mpumalanga grew marginally, while the surprise is the increase in Manufacturing's relative importance in Mpumalanga when the trend has been the opposite for South Africa as a whole, which experienced a sharp decline in the overall importance of the manufacturing sector