Online Calculators:
Our list of calculators are designed to provide users with informative information, whether its calculating a spot Rand petrol price based on the oil price and exchange rate, or GDP growth estimator, valuation of shares, calculating future value of current savings based on a specific interest rates, or supplying users with a monthly repayment value for loans.
Our list of calculators: |
Rand Petrol Price Estimator
An online calculator estimating the Rand petrol price price based on Rand/Dollar and Crude oil price
Share Valuation Calculator
Estimating a share's price based on inputs provided
Financial Ratios Calculator
Calculates financial ratios based on inputs supplied
GDP Growth Estimator
Estimates GDP growth rate for South Africa based on inputs supplied
Future Value of Investment Calculator
Calculates the value of investment at future date based on interest rate and term
Loan Repayment CalculatorEstimate the monthly and total repayment of a loan based on term (number of months or years of the loan) and the specific loan amount