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We take a look at the latest quarterly employment statistics (QES) data published by Statistics South Africa and we focus on the number of people employed in the formal, non agricultural sector and the average gross monthly earnings of those formally employed in South Africa as at the end of December 2019.
Number of people formally employed in South Africa (excluding agriculture)
The graphic below shows the number of formally employed people in South Africa and its plotted against the average gross monthly earnings per quarter since the end of 2019. The number of employees and average gross monthly earnings has been increasing steadily over the last 10 years, however the rate of growth of both the number of people employed and the average gross monthly earnings has slowed significantly over the last couple of quarters, as the struggling economy of South Africa manifests in to slower salary and wages growth and less demand for increased staff members.
Breakdown of number of employees per industry
The summary below shows the number of employees per industry as at December 2019
Now lets take a look at the average gross monthly earnings per industry:
- Mining and quarrying: 448 492
- Manufacturing: 1 209 342
- Electricity, gas and water supply: 61 225
- Construction: 575 423
- Wholesale, retail and motor trade; hotels and restaurants: 2 305 822
- Transport, storage and communication: 495 486
- Financial intermediation, insurance, real estate and business services: 2 348 270
- Community, social and personal services: 2 771 182
Now lets take a look at the average gross monthly earnings per industry:
- Mining and quarrying: R 28 173
- Manufacturing: R 22 115
- Electricity, gas and water supply: R 53 823
- Construction: R 21 012
- Wholesale, retail and motor trade; hotels and restaurants: R 16 205
- Transport, storage and communication: R 30 262
- Financial intermediation, insurance, real estate and business services: R 28 899
- Community, social and personal services: R 30 244