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We take a look at a report published by Statistics South Africa, which covers the Coega special economic zone in more detail. The Coega Special Economic Zone is the largest Industrial Development Zone (IDZ) in Southern Africa
About Coega and the survey conducted by Statistics South Africa
The Coega Special Economic Zone is the largest Industrial Development Zone (IDZ) in Southern Africa. It was designated in 2001 and became South Africa’s first IDZ. It is located in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality in the Eastern Cape province and it is strategically located on the east-west trade route to service both African and global markets. The Coega IDZ leverages public-sector investment to attract foreign and domestic direct investment in the manufacturing sector with an export orientation. The IDZ has attracted investment in the agro-processing, automotive, aquaculture, energy, metals, logistics and business process services sectors. This has advanced socioeconomic development in the Eastern Cape region through skills development, technology transfer and job creation.
Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) partnered with the Coega Special Economic Zone to conduct a survey of the zone’s tenants. The main objectives of the study were to determine:
Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) partnered with the Coega Special Economic Zone to conduct a survey of the zone’s tenants. The main objectives of the study were to determine:
- number of employees;
- value of imports and exports;
- expenditure on investments; and
- employment levels per skills category.
So how much income is generated at Coega each year? And has this value been growing or declining over time? According to the Statistics South Africa report on Coega. "The total income in the Coega Special Economic Zone in 2018 was R9 984 million. The total income had an annualised increase of 22,0% over the income reported in the corresponding survey of 2015 (R5 498 million). "
Of the income generated by Coega the bulk of it was generated by manufacturing activities as shown by the pie chart below.
Of the income generated by Coega the bulk of it was generated by manufacturing activities as shown by the pie chart below.
Looking at the income earned at Coega in even more detail one finds that the bulk of the composition of the income generated by Coega comes from sales of goods (roughly 79%) with services making up 15% of income generated by Coega
Turning our attention away from income generated by Coega, next we focus on the employment details of Coega. First up we focus on employment by type of activity. Acorrding to Statistics South Africa "The total number of persons employed (excluding employees employed through labour brokers) in the Coega Special Economic Zone as at end of June 2018 was 4 779. Manufacturing employed the largest number of persons (2 563 or 53,6%).
Employment increased by an annualised percentage of 18,7% (or 1 920 jobs) in 2018 as compared with the 2015 survey. Non-manufacturing gained 1 837 jobs. " Interesting to note is the fact that there was a very sharp increase in the number of non-manufacturing jobs at Coega. As at June 2015 there were 379 non manufacturing jobs. By June 2018 this increased to 2 216 jobs (or an annual increase of 80.2%). In 2015 non-manufacturing jobs made up 13.3% of total employment at Coega. By 2018 non-manufacturing jobs made up 46.6% of total employment at Coega. See the table below
Employment increased by an annualised percentage of 18,7% (or 1 920 jobs) in 2018 as compared with the 2015 survey. Non-manufacturing gained 1 837 jobs. " Interesting to note is the fact that there was a very sharp increase in the number of non-manufacturing jobs at Coega. As at June 2015 there were 379 non manufacturing jobs. By June 2018 this increased to 2 216 jobs (or an annual increase of 80.2%). In 2015 non-manufacturing jobs made up 13.3% of total employment at Coega. By 2018 non-manufacturing jobs made up 46.6% of total employment at Coega. See the table below
So what is the breakdown of employment by gender at Coega? The bulk of those employed at Coega are males, with males making up 67.3% of total employment at Coega as at June 2018. The image below shows the age ratio and the gender ratios broken down by type of activity.
Statistics South Africa said the following regarding the two graphics above. "The proportion of youth out of the total number of persons employed in 2018 was 44% in the Coega Special Economic Zone. The type of activity with the highest proportion of employees 34 years and younger was ‘non-manufacturing’ (49%). "
"Out of the total number of persons employed (excluding outsourced employees), the proportion of females was 33%. The type of activity with the highest proportion of female employees was ‘non-manufacturing’ (36%)"
Moving on to expenditure within the Coega special economic zone. The images below focus on Capital expenditure (the pie chart to the left) and all expenditure (the pie chart to the right) within the Coega special economic zone during 2018
"Out of the total number of persons employed (excluding outsourced employees), the proportion of females was 33%. The type of activity with the highest proportion of female employees was ‘non-manufacturing’ (36%)"
Moving on to expenditure within the Coega special economic zone. The images below focus on Capital expenditure (the pie chart to the left) and all expenditure (the pie chart to the right) within the Coega special economic zone during 2018
So was Coega profitable? Using the numbers reported by Statistics South Africa and covered above lest take a look.
- Total Income Earned: R9.984 billion
- Total Expenses: R9.815 billion
- Left: +R169 million